hmm get lost unless u are a fren
Saturday, October 18, 2008

well few weeks or months have pased again and now i am making my next post.really wonder if anyone ever read what i read and though bout what i said.

well anyway this year have an eventful ending by the next financial crisis.this time rounf is due to the over heated property selling or mortgage by the uncle sam or all this crisis started from a mess the uncle sam made.people wanting to make money from money they don earn to make it in layman term actually.

hey but actually this crisis i actually needed or should be expected as a tool to stabalise and bring a solution to that rapid inflation the world is seeing the pass year.first we see oil prices going to never before seen or believed number that it would is the food going up like nobody say the truth if this crisis din happen everyone will slowly become bankrupt or enter poverty with no idea why it happen.becoming poor not because of no job or lost their money one way or another but becoming poor because of the rising cost of living.hmm think in my next post will be about my new year resolution about wat i want to achieve before my ord

|KseR| 3:54 AM|

Wang yi xiang
virgo/still virgin